Title I

State Operated Programs apply for Title I funding on an annual basis under Title I, Part D, Subpart 1 for Neglected and Delinquent Youth. The VDOE SOP Specialists are responsible for the administration and monitoring of the grant award that SOPs receive. If you ever have any Title I related questions, please contact Scott Cheatham, SOP Support Specialist, at Scott.Cheatham@doe.virginia.gov.

An important aspect to remember regarding Title I funding is that the funds are intended to Supplement, not Supplant.

Title I Measurable Objectives – Below are the current SOP measurable objectives in our Title I application. Any Title I funded purchase should align with one of these measurable objectives.

  • Measurable Objective 1: During the 2023-2024 school year, students enrolled in a detention center’s academic program 90 or more consecutive calendar days will improve basic reading skills by at least one and one-half years as measured by pre and post testing.
  • Measurable Objective 2: During the 2023-2024 school year, 25% of long-term students participating in EOC Algebra I testing will pass the EOC assessment.
  • Measurable Objective 3: During the 2023-2024 school year, students detained 90 or more consecutive calendar days will complete a career assessment and use their results to build a career plan.
  • Measurable Objective 4: During the 2023 – 2024 school year, 85% of students enrolled in detention education programs will continue in coursework required for a diploma or GED certificate as documented through teacher lesson plans, student coursework, and the transfer summary.

Title I Monitoring – The SOP Specialists are required to monitor all programs receiving Title I funding at least once every 3 years. Below is the current scheduled school year for monitoring:

Blue Ridge JDC
Chesapeake JDC
Chesterfield JDC
Henrico/James River JDC
Merrimac JDC
Roanoke JDC
Shenandoah JDC
VA Beach JDC
New River Valley JDC
Newport News JDC
Norfolk JDC
Northern VA JDC
Northwestern Regional JDC
Prince William JDC
Rappahannock JDC
Richmond JDC
Crater JDC
Fairfax JDC
Highlands JDC
Loudoun JDC
Lynchburg JDC
Piedmont JDC
WW Moore JDC
Title I Monitoring Schedule

SOP Title I Monitoring Instrument – Updated July 2024

SOP Title I Monitoring Visit Preparation Documents and Instructions for 2024-2025 School Year